5 Pillars of Finding a True Love Connection

1. Date mindfully.

In Yoga Journal's 5 Rules for Mindful Dating, Amy Baglan, founder and CEO of MeetMindful, says the key to a positive dating experience is to connect with like-minded people who share your interests. "Maybe they're not into the same practices as you are, but they have some personal growth practice and they are pursuing it," she explains. Baglan also suggests asking questions that really help you get to know someone, and being authentic about your interest in potential partners (or lack thereof).

2. Practice yoga (alone and with your partner).

Yoga helps you get to know your body--and the more intimacy you have with yourself, the better intimacy you can have with someone else, NYC-based yoga teacher Kristin McGee tells Yoga Journal in 5 Ways Yoga Improves Your Love Life. "The more aware you are of sensations and feelings, the more you feel and experience everything going on during intercourse," she says. Yoga also helps you tune out distractions and be present in the moment, bringing your mind back to your partner, she adds. Here are 10 more ways yoga leads to better sex and helps you tune in to your needs and the needs of your partner, during lovemaking and all day long. Also try these 4 partner poses to deepen intimacy and strengthen relationships.

3. Consult a psychic advisor.

According to love experts on Keen.com, an intuitive psychic reader can help you discover if your love is unrequited, or if you have a relationship that is no longer serving you. A skilled reader can also help you understand why you attach to unavailable partners who can't love you the way you love them, and find your true soul mate! Whether you’re wondering if it’s time to move on, or if your true love is waiting around the corner, a psychic reading could be the key to gaining the clarity you need on the future of your love life. Trusted psychic advisors at Keen.com have been providing love and relationship advice to over 42 million customers since 1999. Your astrological sign can also tell you more about your ideal romantic partner.

4. Be yourself.

When it comes to finding true connection, it's important to be yourself, Keen.com experts say. You can't pretend to be anyone else for very long. And be careful of falling in love with someone else's potential or what you think they could be or should be. Sometimes, the truth can be hard to see when it's clouded by our love for another person. A reading with an intuitive advisor at Keen.com will help you uncover the truth about who a person really is, and who you are meant to be.

5. Meditate.

Meditation helps you relieve stress, and the less stressed you are, the more capable you are of being fully present with your partner, Meditation Studio experts tell Yoga Journal. A meditation practice helps you to be more in touch with what's happening "in the moment" and more aware of others’ feelings, boosting your empathy and compassion and helping you connect on a deeper level with your partner. Also try these 7 Meditations for the Relationship Issues We've All Had.

About Keen

Since its inception in 1999, Keen's been a trusted, reliable resource for personal advice. Today, Keen is the leading provider for online psychic advice, giving you a direct line to instant, live psychic readings 24/7. Begin your journey toward transformational clarity with a risk-free reading on Keen—it is safe, secure, and confidential. You can connect with a psychic advisor via phone, chat, and email – anytime, anywhere. New customers get 3 minutes free, or a 10-minute reading for just $1.99.


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